Monday, April 28, 2008

Headline News About Forex And Forex Trading

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Forex Trading - Can You Use Too Many Technical Indicators

By: James Woolley

The majority of people who trade forex use technical analysis to make their trading decisions. They generally use a wide variety of the hundreds of technical indicators available at their disposal, but how many should you use if you want to be a profitable forex trader, and can you use too many?

There's no question that the internet, and the subsequent ease of access to technical charts and indicators, has led to more and more traders being able to learn and become accomplished at using technical analysis to help them make trading decisions.

Indeed, people will spend hours on end experimenting with numerous different technical indicators in order to find that holy grail combination that will help them to become rich from trading the forex markets.

However no combination will prove to be 100% successful. The key is to find a combination that suits your trading style, and enables you to make high probability trades that will give you a positive equity curve (ie profits) in the long run.

If you have a sound stop loss policy and a rigid and disciplined trading system based on certain indicators, then you can make a good income from forex trading.

You don't need to use several indicators at once. Indeed many top traders argue that you should minimise the number that you use, simply because the more you use, the more you will get conflicting information, and confusion and uncertainty does not equate to profits.

For instance you may use six different indicators to help you make your entry and exit positions, but you may, for example, have four of them indicating an oversold position and telling you to enter a long position, but the other two are crossing downwards and indicating a forthcoming downwards movement, so in this case you would probably abandon the initial long trade you were going to make.

This is further complicated when you use multiple time frames because this becomes even more of an issue. Multiple indicators over different time frames will invariably give you conflicting information and the net result will be that you end up not trading at all, and essentially always being afraid to take a position.

This is why so many top traders recommend using just a few tried and tested indicators. You don't need to have a really complex set-up to be successful. You can make a decent living from forex by just sticking to a few basic indicators like RSI, stochastics and MACD, or just using support and resistance levels to make trading decisions.

Furthermore, some traders, like Avi Frister for example, only use one indicator, and argue that it's the only one you really need - price.

So if you're striving to become a profitable trader, don't overcomplicate things. You can be just as successful using just a few simple indicators than constantly trying out the latest and greatest new indicators in order to find that elusive winning combination.

To read more about Avi Frister

Forex Snippets

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Forex currency trading is a form of trading that offers a much greater potential for profitability at the same time the risks are much greater. Foreign currency trading is trading based on the always fluctuating currencies of other countries and how they interact with each other. Since there is no single dollar value, as fluctuations in one foreign currency affects all others, foreign currency trading is always exciting and always changing directions.

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What is Forex or Foreign Exchange: It is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of more than $1.5 trillion daily, dealing in currencies. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another.

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With a daily turnover of over trillions of dollars, the Foreign Exchange market conducts more than three times the aggregate amount volume of the United States Equity and Treasury markets combined. The Forex market is an over-the-counter market where buyers and sellers conduct foreign exchange business using different means of communication.

Your Latest Global Forex News

How UBS came undone

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:13:42 EDT
UBS Chairman Marcel Rohner confirmed today what has been one of the worst kept secrets on Wall Street: An astounding $38 billion in subprime trading losses are forcing UBS to finally abandon its years-long dream of building a global investment bank.

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The First Commercially Available Stock Trading "Robot" Which Earns $346.77 Per Week

Want To Make Money? Try A Forex Trading System

By Scott Fromherz

The internet if full of great money making opportunities, and one system that is not commonly considered by enough people is a forex trading system. These systems allow anyone to learn the ins and outs of trading online using the foreign exchange and potentially make a lot of money. The internet if full of great money making opportunities, and one system that is not commonly considered by enough people is a forex trading system. These systems allow anyone to learn the ins and outs of trading online using the foreign exchange and potentially make a lot of money.

With the knowledge that can be obtained easily from many places on the internet, and from helpful users on forex forums, you can begin trading and watching market trends and fluctuations in order to predict the next profitable trend. A forex trading system can be easily learned and does not need any special expertise, just patience and a little time.

You can also search online and find that many broker websites have developed software for easy methods to apply a forex trading system. Most of the systems that companies offer are reported to give you positive results, sometimes up to 80 percent. These systems follow specific data and trends and are taught in an easy format that just about anyone can understand. A trading system can work so well that some companies will give you a free trial period to prove how well they work and see how much money you can make.

With a forex trading system, you can avoid all of the guess work and calculations. A good system should do it for you and all you have to do is decide whether or not to act on the results and recommendations shown. However, if you like a challenge, then try to do it yourself after completing all of the courses, and then use a trading system to check your accuracy. Having a second opinion is always useful.

If you want to learn to use a forex trading system you will need to understand the concepts behind the business and how and why it was started. You need to become familiar with the financial language and the different rules and methods involved. You should make sure before you begin that this is the right investment method for you to use, as there are many risks involved.

For this reason it is better if you do not use your everyday living money for Forex trading. You should have some extra money kept aside so that if you do have a bad day, which happens, it will not be the end of the world. Even if you have a forex trading system you are not guaranteed to earn a lot of money. Realize that this will be a slow process of earning small amounts, but the potential for earning large sums of money is a very real one.

Scott Fromherz owns multiple informational websites. For more information on Forex Trading System go to or visit

More Thoughts On Forex

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Traders that try to pick the tops and bottoms of the market throughout the day end up with mostly misery because inexperienced fellows in Forex departments even in first division clubs try to pick the tops and bottoms believing that is where the real big money is. And ego demonstration and bonus consideration comes into play too for smart college graduates. The first thing I do when facing new recruits is, do my best to destroy their ego and fear in the market first. Once their ego and fear are reasonably cured, they become dutiful followers of the market like Pavolv?s hounds and they can survive. And once they can survive, they can be taught on how to put temporary tops and bottoms to the market at much higher level of speculation school. Then, that may take at least a decade of training too.
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For those interesting in being involved with Forex trading, a basic understanding of how the system works is essential. Understanding both forecasting systems and how they can predict the market trends will help Forex traders be successful with their trading. Most experienced traders and brokers involved with the Forex use a system of both technical and fundamental information when making decisions about the Forex market. When used together, they can provide the trader with invaluable information about where the currency trends are headed.
More info on a great Forex system

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Before you decide to enlist the services of a foreign currency broker, take the time to do some research on the broker and / or brokerage firm. Foreign currency trading has enough pitfalls to avoid without adding a shady broker to the equation. You can make a lot of money trading foreign currencies, but if what the broker says sounds too good to be true, chances are it is.

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The bid/ask spread for EUR/USD should never exceed 3 to 4 pips to improve profiting from Forex trading. For an active trader profiting in Forex with a 2 pip transaction cost is highly preferable.

All The Latest News From The Forex Trading World

RBS chief gets off scot-free

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:38:18 EDT
The CEO dubbed 'Fred the Shred' for his cost-cutting habit escapes the firing line - for now.

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